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Open Book


We delight in the gift of community and enjoy social activities together.  We convene regular fellowship activities at the church and elsewhere in the Bay Area.  Neighbors and friends are always invited,  and everyone is welcome!


All Saints Women of the ELCA is a member of the churchwide women’s organization, whose mission statement is “to empower women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.”  Women meet for Bible study monthly. 

Adult Forum meets in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings at 11:00 following worship.  Topics vary widely, but are all focused on growing in our faith.

Small groups meet in members’ homes, typically on a weekend evening, to study the Bible and share topics of interest to attendees.  “Where two or three are gathered”:  groups are typically self-forming and self-led.  Individuals may seek assistance in joining or forming a group at any time.



Baptism, Communion and Confirmation Instruction


Baptism into the community of Jesus Christ is offered to infants and children as soon as their parent(s) and sponsor(s) are ready to support them in prayer, study and worship.

Children are welcome to come to the communion table and will receive a special blessing until they are old enough to receive the bread and wine, which we believe are the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  Special instructions are offered to children who are old enough to understand the importance of this meal in their lives as growing Christian children.

When children are older – typically in middle school – they are offered additional instructions in the Bible, Christian commitment, and what it means to be a Lutheran. After this instruction, they may choose to publicly affirm their baptism and take their place as adults in the congregation through their Confirmation. Contact the office with inquiries.

Activities & Community Service


Pizza at All Saints


During the school year, every Thursday at noon, high school students from San Marin High School are invited (and allowed) to walk over to All Saints for pizza lunch. Since 1995, this unique ministry has grown from two to three students to more than 100 per week.

Pizza is $2 a slice and beverage, $1 for seconds!  This historical ministry was created for the students.  Fellowship Hall vibrates with their love and laughter during this hour of fun.

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Pizza Anchor


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Little Free Library

Little Free Library is an outdoor ministry to the community.  It’s located near the walking path along Novato Boulevard near the corner of San Marin Drive.  This library contains books of general interest to all, free for all.  Its companion, a little shorter version, contains books more suited to children.  Take a book, bring a book, or rest and read awhile on our bench in the shade.


If you have a special cause and are looking for others to assist you with that project, contact us!

Get Ready Marin

In 2007 emergency response officials in Marin County launched an ambitious training program designed to aid county residents to prepare themselves to survive the effects of a major disaster.  The program, Get Ready Marin, is a free and informative two hour class that covers aspects of numerous natural disasters that could affect Marin County.  The class is taught in every community in Marin.

All Saints Lutheran Church offered its facilities as a class site to the Novato community from the beginning of the program and, in partnership with the Novato Police Department, has continued to host numerous classes every year.

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