In July, the All Saints Lutheran Church ministry partner in the Second Mile Giving program is San Francisco Night Ministry. SF Night Ministry has representatives out on the street every night, talking to people with concerns about suicide, domestic or sexual violence, or drug abuse or overdose situation’s.
The SF Night Ministry program (also known as the church’s “Night Shift”) began
in 1964, and has been conducting nightly contacts ever since. That's over 21,500 nights of meeting homeless people where they are, and providing them with assistance and
The Night Minister (frequently with some assistants) does nightly rounds of walking the streets making contacts with the homeless directly. Additionally, the services
are provided by phone through a Care Line (415-441–0123), which is used often. In 2022, SF Night Ministry estimates that between night visits on the street and the
conversations on the telephone, there were 34,852 significant spiritual and emotional
care contacts. That’s over 95 contacts per night!
Providing care and hope, SF Night Ministry provides an important outreach to the
vulnerable and often forgotten persons of San Francisco and other communities. Please
join us in supporting this vital ministry that takes places in the night hours in the
Bay Area.